Redirecting to the positive

A common question I get about coaching is, “how is it different from therapy?” and my answer is: a coach will help you unpack the past and what’s going wrong, but we don’t stay there very long. 95% of our time is spent pushing you towards the positive and getting you into the experience of what you want right now and in the future.

Through hypnotherapy training, I’ve learned why positivity is the best method for change & growth. It’s because, emotion is the motivating power of the mind, and if used wisely, the driver of our success. When you use your emotional power to feed a negative state of mind, you just burn that failure deeper into your subconscious.

Our imagination is the language of the subconscious mind. Whatever we imagine and believe may happen influences our actions and therefore our reality.

So, believe that you will heal. Believe in your ability to change. Believe that you will do that big, scary thing and be better for it. Believe that you will succeed.

I’m here to remind you if you need it.


Addressing Fatigue


Loosen Your grip